Best eCommerce Photography Tips For Online Brands

Online brands know that good eCommerce photography is key to a successful online presence. However, many don’t know how to take great product photos on their own. In this article, we will provide some tips for taking better product shots as an online brand.

Simple Backgrounds

One of the most important things to consider when taking eCommerce product photos is having a clean and simple background. This will help ensure that your products are the focus of the shot and can also help make your images look more professional. In general, white backgrounds work best for this purpose, as they give off a bright and airy vibe. Try offsetting the product against natural elements, such as wood grain or stone, for a more unique look.

Natural Lighting

Another important aspect of product photography is natural lighting. This means trying to use as much natural light as possible in your shots and avoiding artificial lights or filters whenever possible. Natural lighting can create beautiful and soft shadows on your products, which will help make them stand out and look more appealing. Just be sure to avoid direct sunlight, as this can create harsh shadows that aren’t as attractive.

Focus on your products

You will want to focus on the product itself to make sure your product photos look great. The most important thing is getting a shot showing how the product looks and feels, so be sure to capture close-ups of each feature. Your goal should be to ensure that your customers have all the information they need to know about your products, so include details like size, color options, or even weight if those are important features of the product.

Clean up your images

In some cases, you may find it necessary to edit your photos after you’ve taken them. This can be done fairly easily with online tools, such as Photoshop. If you want to ensure your images are the right size for online use, simply go to the image and select Image > Resize > Constrain Proportions. Then choose the pixels you want your images to be, and you’re good to go.

Take Candid Lifestyle Shots

You will want to consider taking candid lifestyle shots of your products. This can help make your images look more interesting and authentic, which can be a big selling point for customers who are shopping online. You can do this by having someone hold the product while they go about their daily tasks or even just placing it in different areas around the house to show how it looks out in the real world. The goal here is to give your customers a better sense of what they can do with your products and how they will fit into their lives.

Experiment With Multiple Styles

While on-whites are simple and standard, you may also want to experiment with other styles. For example, you could try a black background for a different vibe or even use a photo of the product in motion to create an interesting effect. As long as your images are high-quality and capture the essence of your brand, customers will love them no matter what style you choose.

Capture Different Angles

Lastly, you will want to capture at least three different shots of your products. This can include an overall shot of the product, an up-close shot to show some detail, and a lifestyle shot or two. You should also note how well the lighting works in each image to identify which images are the best for future products.


When it comes to taking better eCommerce product photos for your online brand, these tips should help get you started. By following them, you can ensure your images look great and will give customers all the information they need about each of your products. However, outsourcing to a professional photographer may also be a good option for brands that want to ensure their images look top-notch. At Skupics Studios, we have a full warehouse studio where we shoot a variety of product photography styles. Want to learn more? Click here to book a free consultation with us.