Creating a Consistent Look in Product Photography

As a brand, creating a consistent look for your product photography can help you build a strong brand identity and make your products more recognizable to customers. However, achieving consistency can be challenging, especially if you have multiple photographers or shoot in different locations. In this blog post, we’ll go over some tips and tricks for creating a consistent look for your product photography as a brand.

Define Your Style Guide

Brand consistency wholly relies on having a foundation, such as a style guide, that every team member can reference. A style guide should include details about the type of products you will be shooting, lighting, angle, focal point preferences, and any brand logos or packaging guidelines. A style guide should include information on the colors, fonts, and overall aesthetic you want to use in your product photography. This will help ensure that all your product photos have a consistent look and feel, even if different photographers or locations take them.

Style guides can also be used to provide guidance on the types of props or backgrounds that should be used in product photography. For example, if your products look modern and sleek, you might choose a minimalist style guide with white backdrops and minimal props. Or, if you’re aiming for an earthy, natural feel, you could opt for wood textures and plants as background elements. Additionally, when it comes to color palettes, having a consistent set of colors will help create cohesion between different photos taken by multiple photographers in various locations. This way, there is no confusion about which colors should appear in each image so that all images have the same brand identity throughout. Brand image is important for creating a strong presence in the market, and consistency is key.

Use Consistent Lighting

Lighting is one of the most important factors in creating a consistent look for your product photography. If you are shooting in different locations, it can be challenging to achieve consistent lighting. However, you can use tools like a lightbox or diffuser to help control the lighting and create a consistent look. Alternatively, you can shoot all your product photos in one location with consistent lighting.

Using the same lighting setup for all your product photography is the best way to create visual consistency. To do this, you should invest in a set of professional studio lights that can be used in any location. This will help ensure that all images have consistent lighting, regardless of where they were taken. You may also want to consider using light modifiers such as diffusers or softboxes to control the look and feel of your product photos. With these tools, you can soften harsh shadows or add dimension by adding highlights and lowlights. Doing so will help unify all your product photos into one cohesive brand identity and give customers a better idea of what they’re buying with each image.

Establish Composition Guidelines

Composition is another important element in creating a consistent look for your product photography. By establishing composition guidelines, you can ensure that all of your product photos have a similar layout and visual hierarchy. For example, you may want to use the rule of thirds to create balanced compositions or always include a certain amount of negative space in your images.

When establishing composition guidelines for your product photography, it’s important to consider the focal point of each image. You should decide where you want the viewer’s eye to be drawn and what elements will help emphasize that focus. For example, if you are shooting a small item like jewelry or an accessory, you may want to use a shallow depth of field in order to blur out any distracting background elements.

Additionally, when framing your shot, think about how much space should be between the product and the edges of the frame as well as which angles will showcase the product best. If possible, take some test shots so that you can adjust accordingly before making final decisions on composition. Having these guidelines in place ahead of time will make it easier for all photographers involved with taking images to maintain consistency across all photos taken by different people at different locations.

Develop a Post-Processing Workflow

Post-processing can help bring all of your product photos together and create a consistent look. Develop a post-processing workflow that includes steps like adjusting brightness and contrast, cropping, and color correction. This will help ensure that all of your product photos have a similar look and feel, even if they were taken by different photographers or in different locations. Maintaining brand consistency is important for creating a strong presence in the market, and post-processing can help achieve that.

Following these tips ensures consistency across all your product photography and creates a unified brand image. Having consistent product photos will help customers better understand what they’re buying and make them more likely to purchase from you. With this in mind, invest time and effort into creating quality product photos that accurately represent your brand.


Creating a consistent look for your product photography is essential for building a strong brand identity and making your products more recognizable to customers. By defining your style guide, using consistent lighting, establishing composition guidelines, and developing a post-processing workflow, you can ensure that all of your product photos have a consistent look and feel. This will help build trust with customers and make it easier for them to recognize and remember your brand. Want expert guidance and someone to realize your brand’s vision? Skupics Studios can help! Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can work together.