Enhancing Product Photography with Props and Styling

When it comes to enhancing product photography, using props and styling can take your images to the next level. It can help your products stand out from the competition and give them a more professional look that will attract more customers. Props can also be used to create a specific theme or mood in your photos, which can further enhance your product shots’ overall look and feel. In this blog post, we’ll go over some product photography tips and tricks for creating a professional look using props and styling.

Choose the Right Props

The first step in creating a professional look for your product photography is choosing the right props. Props can be anything from a simple white background to more elaborate items that help set the scene for your product. When choosing props, consider the type of product you are photographing and the message you want to convey. For example, if you are photographing a piece of jewelry, you may want to use a velvet or silk background to give it a more luxurious look. On the other hand, if you are photographing a kitchen gadget, you may want to use a cutting board or other kitchen-related items to set the scene.

When selecting props for product photography, you should also consider the color scheme of your photos. Pay attention to how different colors interact with each other and how they affect the overall look of your images. For example, if you are photographing jewelry, using a white background may help highlight each piece’s details, while adding bright colors can draw attention to certain aspects as well. You can also use props that match or complement the color palette of your product in order to create a cohesive look throughout all your shots. 

Additionally, it’s important to make sure that any other objects you include in the frame don’t overpower or distract from what is being photographed. By carefully considering these factors when styling your photos, you will be able to create professional-looking product photographs that will attract more customers and boost sales.

Use Lighting to Your Advantage

Lighting is crucial when it comes to product photography. Using natural light or a well-placed lamp can help highlight the details of your product and create a more professional look. Avoid using harsh overhead lighting, as it can create unflattering shadows and wash out your product. Instead, try diffusing the light with a lightbox or using a reflector to bounce light onto your product from different angles.

In addition to props and styling, lighting can also be used to enhance your product photography. When it comes to product photography, the right lighting can make a huge difference in creating a professional look. To get the best results, try diffusing natural light with a lightbox or using a reflector to bounce light onto your product from different angles. This will help highlight details and create an even illumination that won’t wash out colors or create unflattering shadows. Additionally, you should avoid harsh overhead lighting as this can have an adverse effect on your photos. By carefully considering how you use lighting when taking product photographs, you can create visually appealing and professional-looking images.

Experiment with Styling

Styling is another important element of creating a professional look for your product photography. Experiment with different styling options to find what works best for your product. For example, if you are photographing a pair of shoes, you may want to style them with socks or other accessories to show how they can be worn. Or, if you are photographing a piece of furniture, you may want to style it with a rug or other decorative items to create a cozy atmosphere.

When it comes to product photography, styling can play a major role in creating an attractive and professional look. Take the time to experiment with different props and accessories that can help set the scene for your product. Choose items that complement or match your product’s color palette to create a cohesive look throughout all your shots. By carefully considering each element when styling your photos, you will be able to create visually appealing images that will attract more customers and boost sales.

Edit Your Photos

Once you have taken your product photos, editing them to create a consistent and professional look is important. Use Image editing software to adjust your images’ brightness, contrast, and color. You may also want to crop your photos or add a filter to give them a unique look. Just be careful not to overdo it, as overly edited photos can look fake and unappealing.

Editing your product photos is an important step in creating a professional look. With the help of photo editing software, you can adjust brightness, contrast, and color to ensure that each image looks its best. You may also want to crop or add a filter to give your photos a unique look. However, it’s important not to overdo it, as overly edited photos can appear fake and unappealing. Additionally, you should take the time to review all your images before publishing them online or using them for marketing materials. This will help make sure that they are consistent with one another and convey the right message about your brand and products. By taking these steps when editing your product photography, you can create visually appealing images that will attract more customers and boost sales.


Using props and styling can take your product photography to the next level and give your products a more professional look. By choosing the right props, using lighting to your advantage, experimenting with styling, and editing your photos, you can create images that will make your products stand out and entice customers to make a purchase. Want expert help instead? The team at Skupics Studios has years of experience supporting small businesses with their product photography and can help you create stunning images for your e-commerce store.  Contact us today to learn more about how we can serve you, and get ready to elevate your product photography!